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Old 02-27-2006, 05:21 PM   #32
Tremontixriffs's Avatar
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Re: "Americans kill dozens of prisoners"


Im new to this political forum so here goes my take on this argument. War is a horrible thing, I have many friends and a cousin who is abroad in Iraq right now so I will try not to be biased to middle eatern or westerner. I am from the United states and I support the war effort. Many may look at war and say It is a last resort to a political dispute, but I believe its more about Good vs Evil. I am not calling anyone who worships islam or any middleastern evil. But there are forces at work in this world who have a dying need to Kill, Rape, Pillage, steal and destroy all except what is important to them.

Osama Bin Laden is not a matyr, hes not a god, not superhuman and he sure as hell is not a representative of the prophet Mohammed. He is a cold blooded killer who has no remorse for anything he does. He uses the palestinian cause and Islamic extremism to train boys and young children to be suicidal killers. The truth is that the world would be a better place without these men in it. I do not for one second believe that you can politically reason with someone who is not affraid to die. The fact that Iran is defying the world in order to enrich Niclear materials for use as weapons. He knows this, he doesn't care. There are other ways for Iran to have nuclear power but that is not this country's aministrations goals. The military commander for the Iranian government was responsible for the recruitment of one of the largest suicidal Matyrdom brigades. They have members in the thousands and I think it is so sad that they parade younh Iranian children around with machine guns offering them to death....Its horrible...American, Pakistani, Afgan, African, noone wants to see their loved ones die, especially in that manor.They showed a video of one of these suicede bombers mother and father. The father stood proud like his son had just done some great humanitarian deed all the while His mother sits there grief stricken and unable to speak her mind as her husban hold her sons photo over her head because she can't. We all know how women are percieved by most arab nations.
If one looks back on wars of the past and realizes the mistakes that were made. There were plenty of them, however I think the world would be a totally different place today if Hitler was not stopped. As it is we joind to late and were lucky to defeat this murderer of millions.
I think the world is a place that has gone totally wrong when madman whose only goal is to wipe the United States and Isreal out is given access to weapons of mass destruction. If the regime of the Iranian government is not changed they will develop a nuclear bomb and believe me they sure as hell will use it. Bilal I look forward to hearing your commentaryon my post, you do have some valid points but alot of them are far reaching such as the possible 9/11 conspiracy. Those pilots that flew the planes into the world trade center were trained to fly a plane and had plenty of miltary training to pull something like that off. I mean this is the same group that bomberd Bali, Egypt, United Kingdom, The us Embasies in Tanzania and the Sudan, The USS Cole and the world trade center in 93 and orchestrated a attack on Us soldiers trying to help the somalian people from genecidr at the hands of a miltia government that stole all the food for peopleand alot of them were buddies with Osama bin laden. They were also trined to fly in the USA which has some of the best flights schools around.If you look at the statistics for plane crashes per year in the usa its the best rating out of any international airways.
Sometimes it starts with a silent curse
Sometimes it doesn't waste time
You still think I look upon this with hatred
In my mind
I won't lie
It took some time

But I know one thing
It took me away from
All the things love gave me
So I have to let things go...

I can go another round
Despite you.....

I'm still healing...
No I'm not real and
Yes I'm feeling...
This is my fight song

Scott Stapp "FIGHT SONG"
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