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Old 01-09-2005, 03:47 PM   #5
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Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) yes a bit of a poltical thread but this topic is preddy important. as much i like discussing what soft drink should be called lol sometimes there are more important things. the following nations or groups have given the following thus far;

Arab Govt: $30m
Arab public: $80m
Qatar: $25m
UAE: $20m
Kuwait: $10m
Israel: 100,000 for every affected country

This is just not good enough particulary as many of the countries are all of these country's (except israel) muslim brothers and sisters in indonesia particulary. its particulary bad when one considers the german government alone has donated close to 700 million dollars and australia via its government (not including donations from private citizens) has given 1 billion dollars. sure there political reasons for that (give money=hopefully stop terrorism=less wars to fight=less money to spend=money well spent.....yes i am a cynical soul lol).

This is made up but gives you an idea of what im talking about

K so Qatar makes like 5 bil a year and gives 25 mil
- they give 0.005 of their money to that place

America makes 150 trillion a year and gives 350 million
- They give 0.00002% of their money to that place

See what I mean?
If life gives you lemons,

Then shut the hell up and eat your damn lemons!

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