Thread: Prayer request
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Old 10-06-2004, 09:20 PM   #571
Status: Blue Collar
Posts: 630
Joined: Feb 2003
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As I was driving today, I passed a car with an elderly woman slumped over the wheel, parked on the shoulder of the road, I parked my own car, and ran to see if she needed help.

The pain in her eyes touched my heart in a way that I cannot describe. She said that she was having chest pain, left arm pain, and she had been seeing doctors for the condition.

She had nitroglycerine, which I insisted she take, while I called for help.

This wonderful old spirit begged me not to call for help. She told me that she was sure she would be alright, that she had just reciently spent $9,000.00 in medical costs, and she promissed me that she wouldn't hurt anyone by driving.

She lived a fair distance from the area, and I was sure that she was having a heart attack, but she feared the medical expenses more than her life threatening heart condition.

I of course had to call to get help, but I will never forgive the powers within our own government, who will give big businesses large amounts of money, while knowing that people like this beautiful little woman suffer without proper medical care.

Please say a prayer that she will be alright. I never even found out her name, but I will truly never forget her.

Thank you.
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