Thread: Random Thoughts
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Old 12-19-2005, 01:51 AM   #6636
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Re: Random Thoughts

I'm not quite sure what Creedsis said, but I think the gist of it is that men think with, pardon my vulgarity, the head in their pants rather than that on their shoulders. Am I right?

Anyhoo, I myself have found girls to be quite complicated as well. I suppose the general characterization of guys is just as Sis said. I'm really not sure why that guy acted the way he did. I'm no relationship expert, so I'm afraid I can't even take a stab at that one beyond Sis' explanation lol. This brings up an interesting question, tho: are the girls whom I've dated (there's only a small handful) under the impression that I'm a complicated guy?

On a related note, something a buddy of mine at work said to me recently sort of, I dunno, caught my attention. He was talking about dating, and how it seems like, right around junior or senior year (of college... around age 21-22), a lot of girls start to seem more interested in slowing down & looking to the future (I guess he'd had a little trouble finding something to do on a Fri or Sat nite recently lol). I guess the reason it caught my attention was that I'd sort of been brought up to always date with marriage in the back of my head (mama said not to date anyone I wouldn't consider marrying and I guess that's sage advice, in least, if you're interested in saving money).

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