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Old 03-07-2004, 06:36 PM   #65
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Quote: (Originally Posted by smackxxxcreed) I pray for each one of you...I pray that God gives you a brain!!
This kind of crap is why I usually stay out of this kind of discussion. So, anyone who disagrees with you doesn't have a brain? Get a clue! I don't give a rat's a** about your opinion, you're entitled to it, but stop denigrating everyone else who doesn't happen to share your friggin opinion! Those people are no less informed than you claim to be just because your father was in the Marines. There are plenty of people who disagree with you who have done plenty of research on the subjects upon which they speak AND who have a brain and know how to use it. AND, they feel as strongly about their opinoins as you do yours.

There are civil ways to debate opinion, but claiming that someone who doesn't share your opinion is somehow less intelligent or less informed is plain WRONG.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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