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Old 01-17-2004, 10:45 PM   #28
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Quote: (Originally Posted by velocityidp) Thinking out loud is great, especially on message boards. If you don't like me thinking out loud, why reply? It just gets me thinking more.

You'd understand a little more if you were there. Penn State show too. The show was one thing, but Stapp's subsequent voicemails and letters to reporters, plus his appearances on shows like the Abrams Report -- where he completely denied being intoxicated and that he was just "expressing" himself -- was quite telling of his nature, as far as I'm concerned. Judging from that very high-profile and serious incident/response, I would conclude he's the kind of guy that doesn't like to admit he's wrong. Did that nature contribute to Creed's separation? I think it very well could have.

Well, if you believe Mark's brother (i.e. the info surrounding the Creed separation), then you have to believe everything he says. Micheal said that both Stapp and Mark "have gone their separate ways." Sounds fairly cut-and-dry to me.

Come now... if you're a musician and you consistently get negative reviews and popular *hatred* (not just disrespect) from a lot of rock fans, you don't think it has any effect at all? I think it had at least something to do with it.
Hush child I,ll tell you why you have Loved Me when you were weak you have given me unselfishly Kept you From Falling Falling everywhere But Your Kness you set me free to live my life you become my Reason To Survive The Great Divide you Set Me Free Ooh Our Love Is Beautiful Ooh isn,t This Beautiful Child It Seems You Have Been My Everything
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