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Old 01-02-2005, 01:26 AM   #35
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Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) Its easy to draw a conclusion that muslim extremists are wrong in taking innocent life in their quest to be accepted by Allah but what about socially accepted religions. One can easily have a "burning in their bosom" to become a buddhist, hindu, muslim, jew or any of the world's main religions. They all feel its right and are moral people but based on feelings you can't say which one is right. Only one can be right and they all have the burning in their bosom.
Everyone has different feelings about what is right. I thought we already established that. I have friends who are passionate about being Methodist, Presbeterian, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, and a few others. They have feelings for what they believe is right. It is something that works well for them. But is isn't impossible to say that they haven't tested another, as I have done.
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) Yes I do feel that christianity is the right path but that doesn't help your case. We both have a "burning in our bosom" and yet only one of us can be right or perhaps we are both wrong.
Perhaps we are both right or wrong. But in the long run, what does it come down to? It comes down to a faith and belief in God that HE will judge us on. In Revelation 20:12, we are told that we will be judged by our works, and Ecclesiastes 12:14 adds that God will bring all works and secrets into our judgement whether they be good or evil. So does another book really matter? I believe it is an additional guide to living a good life. Is that really such a bad thing?
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) Having no god is illogical because there must have being something to start whatever process took place, to create the matter and life and its ecosystems are way too complex for no creator.
Not having a God is not illogical because there are a lot of people who don't believe in him, and find the belief in him illogical (as I stated above). It only seems illogical to have no God when you have a background in religion.
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) The bible is the most correct book? So by most correct it has error?
It is MOST correct even though there are SOME errors. It is the most complete history we have of the history of the world, customs of the Jews, and Jesus' ministry.
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) Where are the errors?
Anywhere there isn't much information, where the B isn't clear between A and C, anywhere that leaves you guessing what exactly is going on, or anywhere the BoM seems to clarify or give a better understanding of. Go find some areas you're not sure about.
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) If there any errors the whole book is basically useless as it proves that its not an inspired book and is not any better than the Quran for instance.
No, that's not true. If I write a book about the history of the world before 1500 (commonly called the modern era), but switch the names of Constantine and Confucius, does that mean that every other piece of information in the book is also wrong? No. What I'm getting at is this: Neither the Bible nor the BoM are inspired books. They are translations of early writings of what God showed to his prophets. Some things were not written down in their entirety.
Quote: (Originally Posted by aussiecreeder) BTW if something is void of holes then it doesn't have any holes.
I know that. If you read my post properly, I used it in the right sense.


Today I'm gonna try a little harder
Gonna make every minute last longer
Gonna learn to forgive and forget
'Cause we don't have long
Gonna make the most of it

Today I'm gonna love my enemies
Reach out to somebody who needs me
Make a change, make the world a better place
'Cause tomorrow could be one day too late

--lyrics from "One Day Too Late" by Skillet
from their new album "Awake"
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