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Old 08-31-2005, 01:41 AM   #11
Lunar Shadow
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Quote: (Originally Posted by RMadd) damnationi don't think you understand what i'm getting at: we believe the bible is true; and part of this belief is that the Old Testament served as God's Law for His Chosen People. another part of this belief is that Christ's death and resurrection have made it such that we don't need to follow God's laws to the T, as recorded in the Old Testament, in fear of swift, vengeful, and merciless retribution...

What about the stance on say birth control that the church decided to take? Why not just throw out the first 5 books? You see here is where the Church Cherry picks what they wish to follow and what they justify to ignore there is no justification... If God is unchanging why is it that he changed? Don’t believe me? In the OT he is the god of wrath. In the NT there is a change we have a man-god that you know a Jesus. God changed and is now the god of love and forgiveness well you need to decide what god you worship the god that says "I am the way truth and life" or the god that say "Be happy in dashing the heads of babies against rocks" THAT IS NOT THE SAME GOD weather you'd like to admit it or not. I have a whole list of inconsistencies if you like I can send them your way.
Lunar Shadow
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