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Old 03-23-2006, 01:34 PM   #11
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Re: Not to be rude but....

Quote: (Originally Posted by RoffeDH) ARE YOU FOR REAL! I mean, come on! The guys were even willing to pay for everything on relesing a DVD... Were they alowed? NO! And did they have a big sign on almost every page you went to? No! Did Stapp? Yeah! Stapp's Screw-ups BIG GOLDEN COW! What Wind-up needs is to snapp out of a dream and give AB some slack... Just put the logo on the damn DVD box and give fans what they want!

The reson WU didn't want to get the logo on there is probobly becouse AB wouldn't let them print "Mark tremonti, Brian Marshall and Scott Phillips from Creed"... That's why Stapp is the golden boy he loves the fact that he was in Creed... I'm not saying he can't, heck I would probobly too, just that Mark and the boys don't...

Stappishot, your not insulting since you don't say "idiots" "morons" etc.

I live in Sweden too, but I can't say I've heard that much... But Lith lives in the capital

To me, Wind-Up is a successful record label. They are going to invest their financial backing in their best interest, which, realize it or not, is Stapp. He was the face of Creed and the one that most Creed fans identify with. He is much more marketable than AB and stays true to his past with the label,.."from Creed". I find it a little insulting that Tremo & Co. don't want any association with the word Creed. Sure they want to promote their new band and leave Creed behind them, but Tremo even talks trash about Creed songs.It just proves that Creed,IMO, REALLY was Stapp's band.
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Add a little booze to ice
I guess you probably noticed
I've been living a double life