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Old 10-15-2004, 09:27 PM   #46
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Jooji_2) I WAS talking about AB. If they are so against this happening, then let them stick their neck out and come out and say it publicly. Its easy to imply you don't agree with something when you don't actually have to admit to it. I have no idea what Stapp's position is, or why he has taken it..but thanks to Tremo's brother I do know the position of the other two...but they ain't talking about it. Unless any of us are privy to actual contracts that these people have regarding their respective relationships with a record company...we don't know what they are being held to legally.
I don't give a crap that you were talking about AB. The issue at hand, the one that was being discussed, was about Scott Stapp pimping the Creed Greatist Hits CD. Once again, you ignore anything that might tinge the almighty Scott Stapp's image.
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they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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