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Old 06-17-2010, 08:04 PM   #1
Status: Broken Dream
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Adam and Eve's Sin

When I get the chance, I hope to talk about this and I would ask anyone to pray that the real truth comes out in what I what I have to say from the Word of God. God's Word is always going to go out with the truth, but we as people sometimes mess things up. But it's very important, I feel. Because quite simply if you don't understand what actually happened in the Garden of Eden, then, quite honestly you would have a rough time understanding the conflict that came about as a result of that that continues to this day. It's a conflict between God's children and Satan's children, and by that I don't mean just something that's spiritual and ends with that. It involves an actual race or most accurately, a seed line of people. And unfortunately, those people have been responsible and still to this day are responsible for a lot of the problems and conflicts in the world today... not completely responsible perhaps, and hey we're not to judge them. Jesus Christ was very explicit in His instructions that we are to leave the tares alone in Matthew 13:29. God will take care of the tares when the time is right. Until that time, they actually serve a purpose... a negative purpose, but still a purpose. But the beautiful thing is, salvation is open to all. Even one of them, if they so choose. But as a whole, they have caused a good bit of mischief when it comes to world economies, as well as helping to bring about some of the major conflicts and wars in the world. But even with that, the important thing to remember... God allows them to operate and He is in control. But if you're stuck thinking Adam and Eve were eating apples, then unfortunately you're already deceived. So I pray that you come out of that confusion, and hopefully you do have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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