Thread: Random Thoughts
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Old 04-24-2003, 04:13 AM   #855
Status: Brother of Mine
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Marlsy, just my little two cents. I was quite down during my teen years, around 14 or 15. All I can say to you as a mother, is just be there for her. Listen to her whenever she wants to talk and don't push her to talk when she doesn't want to. Make sure she knows that she can tell you ANYTHING without you judging her. Make time to spend with her and really try to be her friend. Hayley's right, just knowing that your mum is there for you does help. My mum put up with me when I was going through that stage, and we are very good friends now. I'm very thankful she didn't give up on me. Where would I be now without my mum? Geez, I'm welling up here......

I hope this helps Marlsy.
Married my man in November 2004 ...
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