Thread: best chorus?
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Old 10-17-2009, 07:29 AM   #7
Status: Misconception
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Re: best chorus?

Quote: (Originally Posted by BSC) They've also played Rain live acousticly, I don't think there's a guitar solo in Bread of Shame but theres a nasty guitar riff. Stapp's vocals is a bit of a letdown in most of the videos of that song though..

I'm liking all of them, some less than others, but I can't choose a best one at the moment

its hard to choose a best one when they all pretty much sound the same. my own prison and human clay didn't have much variety in the guitar tone and drum beats but all the songs were solid and somewhat unique with their melody compared to the others....

this new stuff is like human clay in that it mostly has the same tone, yet the melodies are all similar as well. i mean faceless man was a great song, so was "what if"... but if every song had the same sound as faceless man, that album would of sucked.

weathered had a lot of variety in it and thats what makes it their most dynamic album, and their best, despite a few commercial songs like "my sack of rice" and "one last breath" they were still good because they had substance. Bullets was their best heavy song they ever did, along with "whos got my back" which is their best song, its boderline genius...

new stuff has just fallen flat... i mean all we've heard from most of them is the chorus, but that used to be creeds strength, unless tremonti is pulling out some serious guitar work, on the intro's outros and verses, this album just isnt gonna be that great
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