Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 09-24-2012, 05:59 AM   #3046
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

Take Control Of Your Thought Process

One way I take control of my thoughts is by using my feelings as a guide. If I am angry or depressed, I ask myself what is it that I was thinking that caused me to feel this way? It is usually something in my past that I can't seem to move away from but once I identify the thought, I have the power to change it.

You can immediately feel better by saying, "I love you" over and over. Or begin to count the things in your life that you are thankful for. We are all thankful for something.

At times I use a negative situation to remind me to flip it to its positive opposite. If I have a debt that I can't pay, I say thank you for the money. Every time the phone rings, I say it. If I am going through bills I can't pay, Write thank you for the money on the back of them and put them away. The money will come. Opportunities will emerge has to it is a natural law unless I am sabotaging my own efforts with doubt.

Its all about focus and intention...and believing. If we don't believe in it we can't see it. We have to believe in it, before it manifests. (whatever it may be, goals, money, shoes, food, success...whatever!)

Is it biblical? Absolutely! These concepts go back as far as you can trace!

This is an interesting paragraph I ran across this morning:

"Aligning yourself perfectly with your intentions is the key to manifestation. By being aware of your thoughts, you can indeed master this alignment process. It's a matter of paying attention to where your thoughts flow, and the feelings those thoughts create within you. When you're feeling upset or uneasy, trace back to the thoughts that are creating this unease. Once you're able to pinpoint those thoughts, make a conscious effort to change or turn them around."

I have learned to focus on things that really bring me joy. I do as many of these things as I can. It becomes super easy to conjure up a great memory and to be thankful for those times. Many times all I have to do is look at picture of our good times and it brings the joy back instantly.

Every one finds joy in different things, I have personally found more joy doing as much good for others as possible. To wake up every morning praying for the opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life. The energy from those experiences multiplied feels absolutely amazing. ;-)

Have a Great Day!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe
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