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Old 06-21-2005, 04:21 AM   #15
Status: Illusion
Posts: 9
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We have already had several decades of the sexual revolution, contraception and legalized abortion. During the same period the rate of unwanted pregnancies and abortions has skyrocketed.

If society adhered to the very Judeo-Christian morality that these critics abhor, can anyone deny that these problems would improve dramatically?

Many might be tempted to think of the pro-population control, pro-abortion advocates as having new and insightful ideas that could improve the lot of humanity, but these ideas are old and becoming quite tiresome.

Nazi Germany imposed coercive contraception on the Jews, poles, and other East European Catholic ethnic groups. On its heels came legalized abortion in the Third Reich.

Contraception and abortion were seen as a way of limiting the number of those "less desirable" in society, which ended up being any "enemy" of the state.

In modern America, take a moment to see exactly which groups are the targets of contraception programs. Do the research and see who has the majority of abortions today.

The results would surely (hopefully?) startle these progressive thinkers. The majority of those targeted for contraception and abortion are African Americans, Hispanics, and members of other ethnic minorities.

This sounds awfully similar to the planned elimination of those deemed less desirable by Hitler. But it's not a point one brings up in polite (read "politically correct") company in 2003 America.

Medical missionaries report first hand the effects of the contraceptive imperialism the USA imposes on the third world. It costs pennies to effectively treat many of the diseases from which Haitians suffer.
But when a Haitian mother brings a dying child to a government clinic for a couple cents worth of antibiotics or antimalarial medications necessary to save his life, there are few or none available on the shelves.
But there are millions of dollars worth of contraceptives available in Haiti.
Or when a Kenyan woman goes to a hospital with an infected uterus due to the IUD some doctor implanted without her knowledge after her last delivery, she may die due to lack of a clean, well equipped operating room.
But if she desires a tubal ligation, she can be immediately escorted into a new, clean, well equipped operating room stocked only for that purpose by kind, compassionate population controllers in the West.
And the church hospitals are left trying to pick up the pieces. Those who do missionary work in the third world have personally seen cases like these happening with increasing frequency. Is this the type of compassion for which we want America to be known?
Of course, we justify the need for our contraceptive imperialism by pointing out the "overpopulation" of the developing countries. Let's examine the concept of poverty versus overpopulation.
Poverty can be defined as too many people for the resources available in a geographic region. When we see humans living in poverty, we feel a certain solidarity with them. Our consciences tell us of our duty to help them out of their misery with food, shelter, infrastructure, and the means to develop their economy.
Remember. Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering. By calling poverty by a new name, "overpopulation," we remove the burden for their condition from our conscience.
No longer do we feel the need to feed them. We now can say, "It's your fault. If you'd just stop making babies, you wouldn't be living in poverty." Instead of corn meal, we ship them condoms. Instead of antibiotics, we send them IUDs. We feel morally superior for our great act of compassion, while they continue starving and dying.
We're also destroying their societal structures. Haitian families often have eight children or more. Their infant mortality rate is so high, only 50% survive to age five.
Still more perish before age 15. A couple starting with eight children can expect only two to three to survive to adulthood. These parents rely on their children to provide for them in their old age. In Haiti there is no social security check.
They have very little food, clean water, few jobs, little hope. By imposing our contraceptive imperialism on them, we are taking away their families, the only comfort they have left. Can we see how truly sinister this is?
In America we can provide enough food to feed the entire world population. Yes, the entire world! The problem is lack of distribution of available resources, not "overpopulation."
But our government pays our farmers not to farm their fields to keep the price of grains up on the world market. Meanwhile Haitians an hour and a half flight from our shores starve to death and die of diseases we eradicated here decades ago.
Chemical "contraceptives" and abortion drugs such as RU486 are advanced as a panacea for the world's ills. Few comprehend that the birth control pill, Norplant, and DepoProvera injections ALL allow breakthrough ovulation from 10 to 50% or more of a woman's cycle.
When this occurs, they spontaneously abort a fertilized egg by preventing its implantation in the altered uterine lining formed under the influence of these hormonal medications.
They are therefore abortifacient in nature, not contraceptive, at least part of the time. They are strictly abortifacient when used as morning after combinations because conception has already occurred. Once the egg has been fertilized, a growing human being is being killed, regardless if there are only one cell or a million present.
The lists of life threatening complications from these chemicals in the Physicians Desk Reference make one wonder why any woman would voluntarily allow her health to be threatened by these products.
The dangers of these medications are so well known that the federal Food and Drug Administration assigns them to a class of medications that protects physicians who prescribe them from litigation arising from possible complications.