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Old 06-21-2005, 03:55 AM   #12
Status: Illusion
Posts: 9
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drummer, you too have noticed by now that blind atheists can't read anything that doesn't suit their fantasies.

Quote: Now John Paul II was Pope for what 20+ years? Well in his time as pope he knew about the Sexual Abuse at the hands of the priests which he had control over, yet he did nothing to stop or prevent it, which means he aided and abetted these criminal acts which in itself are a crime.
Any normal human being was disgusted by such behavior, especially the Pope and the other 99.99% of good priests.

First of all, the pope has no control over priests who disregard Catholic teaching with sick perverted behavior. He is not a dictator nor is he a policeman. Those who ascribe such attributes to the Pope are ignorant paranoid bigots.

Second, the Pope does not have super-psychic omniscient powers where he automatically knows the evil actions of each sick priest and jump on a jet and beat the crap out the bad priests with his crozier. That seems what you expect. It is not Catholics that elevate the Pope to a kind of god, it is his enemies.

Third, the Pope publically and repeatedly denounced the actions of these sick perverts as an evil. But that did not make international headlines.

Fourth, the incident rate for sex scandals among Protestant ministers is actually higher than it is for Catholic priests.

Fifth, school teachers are 100 X more likely to commit sex offenses against school children than priests, which reveals the hypocrisy of the media. You just don’t hear much about that either.

Sixth, to say the Pope did nothing about the scandals is a big fat lie, and there is copious amounts of evidence of what he did do. Show me the evidence of what Protestantism does. They have no centrality. They gave no way of doing their dirty laundry. We have. The Pope did what he could, and he did it effectively. It’s been three years since the Boston scandals. Is that all you got is dead horses to make a stink with?

Seventh, the media has, and is, running an orchestrated attack on the Catholic Church. They are following your buddy Geobbles.

The results of national surveys taken by Christian Ministry Resources in 2002: The Christian Science Monitor summed up the surveys’ conclusion as follows: ‘Despite headlines focusing on the priest pedophile problem in the Roman Catholic Church, most American churches being hit with child sexual-abuse allegations are Protestant….’

The Christian Science Monitor is NOT a Catholic publication. Go make inflammatory bigoted remarks to Protestants.