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Old 01-30-2010, 05:53 AM   #5
nickmiller71's Avatar
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Re: Has Full Circle even gone gold yet?

Basically, the music biz is really struggling right now to even keep it's head up. People just aren't buying music like they used to, and it's clear all across the board. Rock isn't dead yet, but it's certainly getting there. When you look at the whole picture, Creed aren't the only band that have struggled with sales recently, and it's a testament to how terribly the music biz is really doing right now. Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift (among others) sell a lot of records because they appeal to the age and sexual market that are still in the album sales top rankings (aka, young girls and teens). I'm really hoping that this decade brings a turn around not only in Creed's success, but in the state of the music industry in general...
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