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Old 11-24-2009, 05:40 PM   #11
Buried And Gone
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Re: Proof that God exists...

Oh I totally agree. Its like with guns. God doesn't kill people, psycopaths do. But they do it in the name of god (although most of the violence in the middle east is caused by financial and social reasons, but i mean hell if im going to die i atleast want god to think i'm on his side).

I also find you saying that scripture is often misinterpreted is wrong because we will never know how it was meant to be taken.

I really don't want it to sound like I am mocking you or your beleifs...although thats more or less exactly what i'm doing. I really hate the fact that people assume that because i'm young, listen to metal and wear black then I must be an athiest. That said I don't believe creationism should be taught in school nor do I believe that religion of ANY kind should have a pressence in any school or government building (even though it does it courthouses,congress etc).

Nick Miller, I found this topic to be very ignorant by the way. Why would you start this on the religion forum and just ask where it is. You know the answer and it really seems like it was just to stir shit up. I like you, but c'mon dude. Oh well I guess I can just channel that anger towards our death match. I suggest a duel of flounder.
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