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Old 01-06-2006, 11:35 AM   #123
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Re: Who Would You Like to See Run in 2008?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Chase) Wait a minute John McCain, a war hero and Senator since 1987 scares you... but Condi Rice... a woman who doesn't have nearly the same amount of experience as him doesn't? You essentially don't like McCain because he isn't a polarizing G.O.P. lapdog that will follow the far right everso blindly. This is a divided and polarized nation because of the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties. I assume you're referring to the "McCain Detainee Amendment" that was supported in the Senate 90-9. The main was a prisoner of war for five and a half years. What separates the United States from our enemies is the way we conduct ourselves in times of war. We're recruiting terrorists as we speak more and more as stories of torture are leaked. Terrorists are effectively using it in their propaganda machine AGAINST the United States. He's not saying "don't kill the terrorists," he's pushing some form of humanity. Saddam Hussein, for example, used torture. Adolf Hitler, for instance, used torture. The United States military and government is better than that.

Let's have a moment of introspective here, with a moment of hypothetical questioning as well...

Let's say that, in the midst of this global war on terror, we find a man, linked with al-Queda, who has vital information that could save THOUSANDS of American lives. Let's say, supposedly, he has the information inside him about al-Queda using planes as bombs to run into nuclear plants across America. (PanTex may be one of them -- our nation's largest manufacturer of nuclear arms) Would you be AGAINST doing whatever possible to get this information, to extract the facts from this man? Sometimes, torture is an evil neccessary. It is. I'm not talking about Abu Graib, either. That, my friend, was a black mark on the American military. I'm not talking about humiliating these people, I'm talking about professional torture that has been used for decades (blowing water into the eardrum at a high capacity as to explode the eardrum -- this works about 80% of the time, usually with only one ear.) Maybe Mr. McCain would like to go back to Vietnam and have his ANKLES CHAINED TO HIS BACK again; the thing is, even though this ammendment may seem so high and mighty and righteous, it HINDERS the process of protecting America.
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