Thread: Stapp Confesses
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Old 01-12-2006, 03:45 PM   #5
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Re: Stapp Confesses

I think it's unfair to blame the rest of Creed for his drug abuse and for their supposedly not doing anything to help him. No one can really help anyone unless that person wants to help himself, no matter how much you love them or how much you think you can do. That's why they have groups like Al-Anon. It's extremely difficult and heartbreaking to cope with and live/be around someone who's slowly killing himself and you can't do a thing about it.

It's also naive to think management would ever give a shit about an artist. Money is pretty much all they care about.

That said, good for Scott for coming clean about a lot of things. I really hope he's on the road to recovery and can just be happy.
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they make a club and beat their brother down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
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