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Old 09-01-2005, 09:34 AM   #11
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Anarkist) You still will ignore evidence I have put forth about 2nd hand smoke...

I don't recall any evidence about second hand smoke. And in fact, I never even brought up the fact that it harms others. I just said they should keep the disgusting stuff out of public places. Once again, taking your beliefs to their ends, we should be able to relieve ourselves in public, go naked, and heck, have intercourse in the streets. Yet we can't. Funny how you don't decry all of THAT as me imposing my religious beliefs on you.

You've lost your touch. Your arguments used to make sense. Now they don't.

Quote: typical the problem is you have been brainwashed all your life in to believing anything anyone who in your circle tells you with out actually researching it for yourself.

Researching WHAT? I don't recall making any statements about anything that would require research.

Quote: Next thing you know you are going to tell me you believe in a literal 6 day creation

I don't, but I know many smart people who do. It isn't an entirely ridiculous theory. Just *mostly* ridiculous

Quote: and that Intelligent Design should be taught in schools.

No, although I definitely don't think that spontaneous generation should be taught either.

Quote: I am getting off track here.

I'd say.

Quote: My point is I offer up proof (in this case on 2nd hand smoke) backed by multiple scientific studies

Where? What are you talking about? Did I miss something?

Quote: and you slap them down because they do not fit in to your would view.

I haven't had anything to slap down!! How can I slap anything down without having it there? You really have lost it, Anarkist. Not only are you contradicting yourself and making up thigns which I didn't say, you are making up evidence which you never put forth!

Quote: This, my friend is what I mean when I say "You only see what you want to believe you ignore any reason and any thing put in opposition to you"

Actually, right now I am trying to find this smoking evidence on the thread somewhere and can't find! Is that what you mean when you say I see what I want to see? Wow... maybe the problem has gotten so pervasive I literally can't find it anywhere...

Quote: you have done this repeatedly since about April when I stated frequenting again.

But of course you are perfectly open minded and listen to everything.

Quote: I really don’t know why I bother with you…

Neither do I.

Quote: I challenge you to come to my arena Uncertain over at talk to the people there see how long you last I know that I am a laymen comparison to the people over there You wouldn’t last a week come on Dario is over there and he is in a very lively discussion right now maybe you should give it a spin they just love apologists there.

Why on Earth would I want to do that? The day I see you open up a discussion about how you believe the Bible is fraudulent and God doesn't exist here, is the day I come to be overwhelmed by the sheer quantity if not quality of accusations from your ex-Christian buddies who I really have no desire to associate with. Unlike you, I don't charge into forums bashing other's beliefs OR non-beliefs.
Titans baby, Titans.
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