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Old 05-05-2006, 04:47 PM   #40
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Re: Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says

Quote: (Originally Posted by RalphyS) Well I know for sure that The Netherlands did not have any independent research to the possibility of the existence or non-existence of WMD's in Iraq, and I bet that this was the case with most in the coalition of the 'willing'.

And let's not forget that there were those who doubted the conclusions beforehand, those who were regarded as cowards, France, Germany, Russia and maybe every other nation that did not participate in the coalition, which ofcourse numerically outnumber those who did participate heavily.

I do blame my government for taking part in these actions, based on false pretenses and without thoroughly researching the evidence against objectively.

Indeed with power does come responsibility (got this from Spider-man, I think), the responsibility to help those in need, but also the responsibility to use the power wisely. And the latter did not happen imho, just as I do not think that this war has increased the stability in the Middle East, it may have just done the opposite.

The French (as well as the Germans), especially, had economic ties to Saddam Hussein... it's pretty obvious as to why they would oppose the war in Iraq. Vladimir Putin's intelligence told the U.S. that they thought that Hussein was developing WMDs. Nevertheless, the Russian's haven't really done anything to help the U.S. since World War II... so getting them to assist in Iraq would be rather tough. Them, as well as the Chinese, are the against the proposed U.N. sanctions against the nation of Iran. Go figure.

I think in time a free and democratic Iraq is better for the world. Like I've said in the past though... it's hard to fix such a problematic country or region overnight. Much of the insugency in Iraq is funded by Al Qaeda... and other foreign sources. It's not a real grassroots, Iraqi movement. Do you honestly think that Iraq would be better under Uday and Qusay Hussein? Overtime, I would think that Iraq and Iran would ally themselves against some common enemies in Israel, the United States, and Great Britain had Hussein (or his sons) been in power.
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