Thread: Tour is over!
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Old 08-30-2006, 01:41 PM   #18
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Re: Tour is over!

Quote: (Originally Posted by titan9) And I think it all points to one thing: WU is hoping that Creed will get back together if the individuals don't do good enough with their current ventures. But everyone (well, except WU) knows that Creed will never get back together, or at least not for a long time. WU should have just embraced the obvious (like the fans have) and put promotion into AB and Stapp. But instead they didn't and lost AB as a result of it. And they'll probably lose Stapp, too.

Then again, at least Stapp actually got a tour for his album. That's more than 12 Stones can say (they released Potter's Field in '04 and never got an official tour--just maybe 12 shows, tops). I hate WU.
I agree with this. They seem not to want to actually work to earn their money and would rather rely on what they think is the real cash cow -- Creed. WU is probably hoping that they will come crawling back for the cash when their other endeavours don't measure up to what they made with Creed. I hope they don't. Their getting back together would be for all the wrong reasons and would be viewed by many as just selling out. That's how I'd see it. Sadly, WU has the upper hand. They can wait it out. Who knows if the guys from Creed can?

It's not just labels, either. The reunited Alice In Chains is going through something similar with their management. Jerry Cantrell allegedly has a crapload of solo material ready to go, but management supposedly isn't interested in anything but milking the AIC name for all it can get. If they had any sense, they'd try to promote both, but that would require actual time, effort and resources. I know his last solo effort didn't do well, which is a crying shame, because it's really great, at least IMHO. Roadrunner didn't do shit to promote it and that label also pulled the plug on the leg of the tour what would have been in support of the double album's finally getting released six months after the Reader's Digest version. Jerry wanted a double album in the first place, and RR balked, so he did the 1 CD format. Big mistake. A lot of people, except the real hard-core fans, didn't want to shell out the money after having spent 20 bucks on the first one. The difference between that and the double album is unreal and RR fucked up in the first place by not letting it come out the way Jerry intended. The double album is far superior. It bothers me greatly when these people put so little faith and effort into the artist who is making them money in the first place. They only see what they can get out of it. It's so not a partnership.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs
they make a club and beat their brother down.
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