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Old 03-08-2004, 12:44 PM   #72
Status: Misconception
Posts: 107
Joined: Feb 2004
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Dogstar) This kind of crap is why I usually stay out of this kind of discussion. So, anyone who disagrees with you doesn't have a brain? Get a clue! I don't give a rat's a** about your opinion, you're entitled to it, but stop denigrating everyone else who doesn't happen to share your friggin opinion! Those people are no less informed than you claim to be just because your father was in the Marines. There are plenty of people who disagree with you who have done plenty of research on the subjects upon which they speak AND who have a brain and know how to use it. AND, they feel as strongly about their opinoins as you do yours.

There are civil ways to debate opinion, but claiming that someone who doesn't share your opinion is somehow less intelligent or less informed is plain WRONG.

Dogstar just wanted to clear something up..........I do know more than you not just because my Dad was a Marine but also because I am also a Marine!I am stationed at Cherry Point home of the Second Aircraft Wing and we are one of the worlds most sophistacated combat forces.

I am a Major...I fly Chinook Helicopters I have been in for 10 years so I have seen first hand what the War on Terrorism is all about.I have seen little Iraqi children with weapons who would rather shoot you as to talk to you and it is a shame that they have been taught to hate at a very early age probaly since birth.And I do know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when people bash the Bush Adminastration and The War on Terror not only is it a slap in my face but to the other men and women both past and present who have fought and died for your freedom so you can voice your opinion.

You are coming across in your post that it makes no difference to you that my Dad fought in every conflict including WW2 and eventually died for you and this Country....he died of Cancer...the Cancer was the result of so much exposer to Agent Orange....I am very proud of him and what he has done for this Country along with all the other Vets who have fought and died so you could enjoy all of your freedoms!.....I know I will never be the Marine he was but I have done very well...and since I do have in 10 years I am now at the point of do I stay in or do I get out but I can retire in 10 more years and I think my Dad would be proud of me if I do stay in...but I also know that he is proud of what I have accomplished so far.

Dogstar I might be wrong in thinking that you are coming across in that way and if not I apoligize for thinking that!....but I also have very strong convictions and beliefs.

(Thanks Jenn love ya chickdeeeeeeeeeeee)

Creed Will Always Have A Special Place In My Heart

Well I Guess She Closed Her Eyes And Just Imagined Everything's Alright But She Could Not Hide Her Tears Cause They Were Sent To Wash Away Those Years

Last edited by SMACKxxxCREED : 03-08-2004 at 12:48 PM.
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