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Old 03-09-2004, 03:33 PM   #38
Status: Found The Real
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People aren't born gay (God doesn't hate us that much), it's obviously a conscious choice by these people. if homosexuality were right, how would reproduction through sex (the means of reproduction which God created) be possible? This is all a simple matter of Adam and Eve vs. Adam and Steve. I'm adamantly opposed to homosexuality and any form of homosexual unions, one of the reasons I'm voting for G.W. And affirmative action is wrong, too. It's like an extreme reaction to all the white supremacy that used to exist in this nation (and still, to a very very reduced degree, does). I find it appalling. And you're allowed to have 'historically all-black colleges', and 'historically all-female colleges', but God forbid any schools only permit the entrance of males and/or whites!

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