Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 09-18-2012, 06:01 AM   #3038
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Re: Daily Bread

Retrain the Brain

I had to sit in silence for a moment this morning because I had no idea what to write about. Usually it will come to me in the night as I sleep or simultaneously as I am writing. This time it came to me from a moment of silence.

It was an image of a woman, Louise Hay. She was a turning point in my own personal journey because she created ways to help retrain the thinking process through affirmations. Affirmations are just sentences that are positive about the internal self, they highlight areas in your life that you want to improve upon and banish shadow beliefs once the shadow beliefs are identified. It takes a lot of internal work and awareness of your own thoughts and belief patterns. It can make you quite emotional at times. Lots of tears if you have as many shadows as I did lurking in your crevices. I am sure there are some of the little devils still lurking that I haven't found yet. Its a game of hide and go seek.

In Psychology I learned that the term for this is "cognitive therapy". The idea is with consistent repetition of affirmations eventually you accept it as being true and we all know what happens when that occurs...magical things begin to take place in our lives. I am living proof. I always experiment on myself first.

Also in addition to the affirmations you can create a photo book to reinforce the affirmation process. It's the same as praying. The bible states we should pray without ceasing. David prayed 3 times per day. Jesus prayed often and said what you ask for will be given to you. But faith and belief is required to allow it to come to pass in the physical. That is what many of us lack is trust and belief and faith.

You ever notice how they play commercials selling products over and over in on television and when you find yourself looking for that particular item, you think of one certain brand. The very brand with the most hype behind it because you have learned to trust and believe in what they are selling. Then you buy it and it becomes in your "physical" possession. But in the beginning it was just a thought and an image on television not physical at all.

The more you advertise and push something no matter what it is, people buy into it. It works the same way with your own internal dialogue its all about energy and alignment.

Here is an example of one to repeat: "My creativity is always in demand."

I have her book called "Experience Your Good Now", it came with a CD that helped me so much understand this entire process. One thing that I have used in that CD that really made a huge difference when things begin to go wrong in my life is to stop and say, "All is Well and I am SAFE."

This woman was a huge help in my life and I recommend her to everyone, she teaches to love to heal internally in a healthy way and her life's purpose and work in helping others is amazing. I admire her and hope to follow much of her lead in my own life.

Norman Vincent Peal says to find scripture in the New Testament and saturate your mind with it. It is not the New Testament but I love the verse," The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he restoreth my soul, he leadeth me beside still waters, yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff ,they "COMFORT" me (he doesn't beat me with it). That is all I remember but it is one that I like to reflect on at times.

The point is as I grew up I had all these false beliefs in my mind about who I was and who I was supposed to be, it wasn't who I wanted to be and who God made me to be, because who God made me to be is who I wanted to be, it is our unique imprint its why we are drawn to certain things above others.

But experience with parents, family, friends, teachers, television, society molded me into something that wasn't really me, it was who I thought they wanted me to be. Make sense? God wants me to be who I want to be, who He made me to be by following my heart and trusting His guidance in my life.

He led me to her.

Have a wonderful Day!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 09-18-2012 at 06:08 AM.
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