Thread: Post for Peace
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Old 03-30-2003, 12:49 AM   #95
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Quote: Originally posted by whitebird
<b>souldancer-I can't quite remember where I heard the following, perhaps it was a Beatles song.

The quote is "Peace Will Come Again" &nbsp;Can you place this beautiful line? </b>

Dear whitebird, is this the one......

A plea for Peace.
How many bombs must we drop on the world,
How many lives must we end.
How much retribution must the world endure,
Before peace can come again.

Do we believe that we can wipe out terrorism,
by acts of aggression and anger.
Do we feel justified in killing others,
because they have killed us.

Every terrorist is just a man,
fighting for what he believes.
Every last one of the casualties of war,
has family and friends just like you and me.

Every war that is waged against another,
increases the hate in the world.
Every terrorist killed by an agressor,
creates ten more to follow.


Every cause that we solve in the world,
each inequality that is fixed.
Each suffering nation that is helped in their plight,
each one of these things brings peace to the world.

If we work to remove suffering in the world,
if we work to remove inequality.
If we work to remove the cause of terrorism,
we can surely remove terrorism itself.

If we took all the money spent on weapons around the world,
and all the money spent on wars.
And we spent that money making life better for those in need,
we could make a difference,
we could win the war.

Every country likes to think that they do enough,
and that they have the biggest heart towards others.
But the evident truth is that none of us have done enough.

Let us wake up to ourselves and take heed of the past,
How long will it take to learn that aggression is no answer.
Don't fight back with bombs and armies,
Fight back with compassion, generosity and kindness.

I believe that Peace is ALWAYS may be buried, in denial, or plain ignored......but as Creed sings, there is always that 'Peace inside us all.' Thanks for radiating out your goodness on this board
..our youth will never die!
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