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Old 09-05-2006, 12:08 PM   #12
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Re: R.I.P. Steve Irwin

Quote: (Originally Posted by Robin101) This is indeed sad news.

He tried to educate us on certain animals that, through our own ignorance, we deemed 'evil' when really they were just misunderstood. He was trying to help these animals and educate us at the same time.

I hope people also understand that here is a 44 year old guy who's leaving behind a wife and two young children - an eight year old daughter and two year old son respectively.


I know... this is terribly sad. I can't believe that people are making light of his death. Yes, he did have a dangerous job. But so do cops and soldiers. When one of them die, do you say "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's what he gets for chosing to be in harm's way!" I hope to God not.

Steve educated MILLIONS of people about creatures the global community deemed "frightening" and changed those perceptions.
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