Thread: Bush!
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Old 10-12-2005, 05:20 PM   #8
Status: Found The Real
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Quote: (Originally Posted by The Lithium) I wouldn't say very, but dude. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that everyone in this country hates him.
I'm pretty sure that's a fairly unbased conclusion. Believe it or not, presidents still meet with foreign leaders despite their popularity (or lack thereof) in that country. Sure, they might not go out on the streets and kiss babies and take pictures with old women. As an international leader, he, more than likely, would ever show up there to discuss matters of mutual interest, and it's pretty obvious that Sweden isn't much for being heavily involved in global politics. That's why you guys are on his proverbial back-burner. Not because you don't like him. If that were the case, then would he ever go to Europe again?

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