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Old 03-14-2005, 10:24 PM   #1
Status: Blue Collar
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19 year old guy needs woman advice!

I hope I have drawn the attention of the wisest of you here, lol. But, seriously, I need some help...

So, I've ben seeing this girl for about a month and a half. Now, you would think this would be a good thing...if I actually felt something for her. I mean, I am really one of those romantic guys who likes romantic stuff. But, with this girl, although I do enjoy the time we spend together, there is just not that romantic "spark" there. It's almost like spending time with my sister, or a cousin. Weird, I know.
So, to make matters worse, I've began to notice another young woman at Vernon College. I have yet to speak to her, but I have seen her look at me with those eyes. So, I would like to get to know her. I would like to speak to her. But, to do this, I would have to break up with the girl I'm with. Now, although the romance, that 'butterflies in your tummy' feeling is not there, I still don't want to break her heart. Am I just one of those guys who likes the chase, but not the catch? I'm rather confused. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
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