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Old 05-10-2004, 01:44 PM   #45
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You are right......

Quote: (Originally Posted by ibleedpurple) I hate to burst your bubble, but... here's a report that someone gave on CreedPit yesterday of a story on a radio station in Chicago:


OK- Here goes. Its not the lawsuit it was just interesting.

. May 6th at approx 8:45

The djs were talking with David Cross (Men in Black) who was on the poker show with Stapp back in ...whenever it was.

they began talking about how annoying it was that he had to do late shows and then go on the air to talk to djs early the next morning. The DJs were joking and saying that it couldnt be that bad.

Cross says ...the only thing worse is having to put up with Scott Stapp on the poker show I was on. He went on to say that he was never a fan of Creed's- pod's Evanesence... music but that was neither here nor there. He said that when he went on the show that it was unbelieveable to him how *no one*- from the makeup ladies to the production assistants who could work with the guy.

Cross went on to describe how that he followed Stapp from the chair in makeup to the table itself...and that no matter who it was that worked with him...there was not one person who had anything good to say about the man, and that he treated everyone like crap.

The djs went on to say that they had heard the same thing but they didnt know. Cross said, 'well, its true...he;s a...well, I cant say what he is because I dont want you guys to get (fined for him swearing) but he's a ---------!

They went on to talk about other things...but I was amazed at how many times they *kept *coming *back *to *Stapp... and Cross would just go into another example of what a jerk he was.

I have to tell you all here- this is where I was almost in tears and almost hit a pole...just to hear him ripped to shreds....and not only that....that perhaps I have had rose colored glasses on...that maybe he is not a very nice person. I always try to see the good and humor you know?

(no matter what that drama quees says, I do have a heart- the drama queen is the one who cannot take things into context, ...)

Anyway, the djs asked if they say Stapp do any coke or was he drinking because they had heard that he was a big drunk now.

Cross said that he was drinking ...but they all were and that you couldnt really tell too much because Stapp had this ***enormous possee *** with him. Cross was like

"Its a poker show for charity , not a club!!!"

" He said that none of them had a possee with them on the show and it just made Stapp seem even more ridiculous because he had all these flunkies waiting on him the whole time.

It went on for about 5 minutes or so....which may seem not like alot of time...but when they are talking about your smoochable baby- it really is. I was just floored how they kept coming back to it and back to it.


And this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as "bad" things that I've heard about him doing that aren't made public. I'm sorry to say (believe me, I really am because I've looked up to him for a long time and wish it wasn't this way), but he's not as real as you think.

Thats true, apparently Cross has never had nice words to say about Stapp. Cross once stated.....Rather than hearing the band Evanescence he'd choose to hear the "death rattle of his only child". Sounds like a really cool guy, huh.

And here is what the host of the show said about meeting Stapp....I found this here at Creedfeed on the news page.

"While I can not divulge the outcome of the event, I encourage all the Scott Stapp and CREED fans to watch the show -- you will not be disappointed.

Better than that, for those that haven't met Scott, I can tell you that he is a genuinely good guy, and an absolute BLAST to hang out with. We were out at the Ghost Bar together at the Palms a few nights during the show.

And, he's very generous as well. He's donated a signed copy of a limited edition album -- 1/400 -- to USA's chosen charity, the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation. Starting bid is $500... I'll take bids here on the message board until releasing it to eBay. There is a picture of the limited edition album on the Photo Albums page."
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