Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 12-25-2006, 12:29 AM   #1484
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Re: Daily Bread

Christmas Day 2006

"Glory to you, God, in the highest heaven and peace on earth to all whom you favor…"

No doubt life for the average person wasn't all that noticeably different on the night Jesus was born. Inns and taverns were busy with their customers. Shepherds gathered around the fire to keep warm as they watched over their sheep. But in a secluded corner of Bethlehem, in an out-of-the-way stable, a baby slept in a manger. And as the shepherds settled down for a quiet night, the angels assembled into a vast choir and shattered the silence of that night by loud praises. Imagine the shepherds' response: shock, fear, and then, awe. They knew that they had to find this extraordinary child whose birth the angels had announced.

As you celebrate Christ's birth on this joyous day, seek out Jesus as the shepherds did years ago. Use this heavenly song to rejoice in Jesus' birth.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Luke 2:13-14

Merry Christmas Friends...


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