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Old 06-05-2004, 06:32 PM   #58
Mark's Brother
Status: Misconception
Posts: 92
Joined: Nov 2003
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I will reply as soon as I can Shadow. As a side note, I hope you can carry a message for me. I am recieving emails that I am being talked about at the passionbreedsfollowers bb where I have been banned. Here is what was said..

"Yes siree bob Anita...that old double standard that Scott and his fans are always held up to.
Sounds like michael doing his normal and only job of pr...and I hear serious back peddling...and the sound of Scott fans everywhere slamming their doors on ab."

This was posted by a woman or man named Frankie. I find the comment pretty funny and I would love to hear what issue it is that I am back peddling on. If you could, please invite her over here for a cheerful and spirited debate, where I may at least defend myself, and she or he can give me an update on all those crazy doors slamming since I guess she has the pulse of Stapp fans everywhere.

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