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Old 04-12-2005, 02:41 PM   #5
Ann Allusion
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Quote: Ummm, nevermind any of this business about loving God, and loving our neighbors, eh???

you nut...heh....

being somewhat curious, did a little more research into this, due to something brought to my attention about the Stone not being considered "a reliable source" and found quite a bit more.

Quote: The movement, also dubbed "dominion theology" and "theonomy," has spread far beyond the right wing of Presbyterian and Reformed churches. It has penetrated, to some degree, most conservative denominations, including Southern Baptist.

Not all in the movement agree on every point; theology wouldn't be theology without endless schisms, after all. Nor would all people who advance Reconstruction's goals agree that they're part of the movement. But as St. Matthew wrote, "By their works shall you know them."

The Reconstruction movement has burrowed deep into the religious right. Its architects have gained strength via a broad alliance with other religious advocates who seek a radical restructuring of America. Reconstruction and dominion theology certainly set much of the agenda for conservative Christianity's political activism.

Is DeMar championing a theocracy? With the rueful smile of one who has been hit with this one before, he retorts: "All governments are theocracies. We now live in a secular, humanist theocracy. Yes, I want to change that to a government with God at its head."

the above quote and article, somewhat lengthy, but none the less quite interesting, can be found at the following link:

a definition of the movement, it's self, is given in the following link at Wikipedia:

at the following link, scroll down to where you see a purple line and the words below read:

Quote: We will let a Christian Constructionist himself tell you what they believe

Hopefully, this will give a somewhat more of a mixed view of their movement, and give a deeper insight into what is happening.

from what i have gleaned in reading this information, i still have to ask what it all has to do with following the spiritual teachings of Jesus, and preparing us for our return to God when our time here is over.

i am in no position to judge whether these people are right or wrong, that is not my place...yet i will offer an observation...they definitely believe FROM THEIR INTERPRETATION of the Bible...that they are in the position to pass judgement on mankind.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again, for now I find
The phantom of the opera is there...inside my mind

Christine/ Phantom Of The Opera

Abondon thought and let the dream decend....
Point of No Return/Phantom Of The Opera

You will forever remain the music
And I…the song you sing
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