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Old 02-08-2003, 12:36 AM   #1
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What do you think of the "war" against Iraq?

So what do you all think? i was watching Oprah today well my mom had it on.....and they had a big debate/discussion over this. Before each commerical break...they showed some interviews with citizens from around the world.....most of them disagreed with the war...and said its just a fight b/t Bush and Hussein. A lot of interesting reasons and points were brought up by different people in the audience of the show too. Right now i cannot remember too many.But one of them was......Bush is hurrying into this, and hes doing things too fast with out enough evidence.

But....the point i agreed with: The longer we wait to go in to Iraq, the more time we give Hussein to make weapons and prepare attacks on us.

Another thing was: Why is the US the only country stopping all this and going in there. Many other countries are saying war is not the answer and that there is a peaceful way. The only reason war is the answer here is b/c we have been trying to make peace for 12 years i believe....and it hasnt worked. But like they said, why are we the only country going in. Were not the only country Iraq hates.

Especially on the war on terrorism. Thats against basically the whole world, and we were the only country who went into Afghanistan to stop their government.

The last thing im going to say is: another audience member on the show today said he was in Kuwait as a journilist or something like that, and he was captured by Iraq. He was in there for 6 weeks and didnt know if they would kill him or not. Some of the soldiers told him they did not want to kill him at all and hated Saddam. He said the majority of the secret police he spoke to over there were like that. But few others would have loved to kill him, but were advised not to. Then, the guys mother wrote Saddam Hussein a letter saying she sent her son over there to learn more about and respect the Arab world. She said that if you dont let him out, you are only harming yourself b/c he is trying to respect your world. He was released the next day.

Anyway, post your opinions. Please dont change the subject.
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