Thread: No Religion...
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Old 01-18-2003, 06:47 AM   #33
Status: Misconception
Posts: 113
Joined: Dec 2002
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Dear Mr. CreedfreakTn,

I'm pretty sure I read a wonderful post of yours somewhere on this site, so I love you already. In fact, I think I quoted you!

Whenever I hear a person feeling "troubled" about "spiritual things" my blood runs cold. But I guess it can't be helped, it's part of the human experience, some people hit it young, and others when they are older, and some never face it openly, but it comes out in some neurotic/psychotic way. We are all troubled by our human limits, knowing we will die, and knowing we are not all we would like to be, that we feel we MUST be. But what "must" be is really the domain of He who is Infinite, we can only be what we CAN be.

I have a son who is mentally ill, and it is "religion" that made him so sick, though he was ultra sensitive anyway, and ANY sort of "fear-mongering" was a threat to him. But it was that Creed line, "I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine destroy the man who lacks a strong mind, forked tongues in bitter mouths can cause a man to bleed from the inside out." If they never did anything else, I would always love them for that line. Because it highlights a truth that is so often overlooked.

Religion in general teaches that human beings are very rotten. And must be "kept in line" by threats and fear. It is very "hierarchical", all the "truth" is passed down from "superior men" to "inferior men". I think this sort of religion is really just part of what the Bible calls "the powers that be" (Rom 13) that help keep people in line when they are immature and thoughtless. It is really more like "Caesar" than Christ. Christ is One Head and His Body composed of all "spiritual men", who are all BROTHERS, and not in any "hierarchy" but in direct communication with the Head, TWO WAY btw, and "supplementing" each other, Eph 4:12-16, or the whole chapter. But if you don't know the Bible, don't look up the references, I just mention them to give a reason for why I say these things in the name of "Christ".

I disagree that men are "rotten", I hate that "total depravity" doctrine more than ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WORLD. For God so loved the WORLD, well God never LOVED CRAP. There is something VALUABLE in the "world" and in EVERY PERSON. In fact, God never created "crap", but in His time He really does make everything beautiful, but He imposes limitations on men in our time, that cause us a lot of distress, but in the end, it works out for good, Gen 50:20, Rom 8:20, II Cor 4:17.

I taught the bible to children for years. I know it very well. I don't know what you should tell your children, but I urge you not to plant FEAR in their minds in the name of "god". The wholesome "fear of God" is actually a recognition of who He Is ("I Am"), "those that fear him"="those who hope in his mercy", Ps 147:11, "but there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared", Ps 130:4.

Fear comes very easily to men, to "sheep". What is so hard is to implant COURAGE in them. "People follow courage", that was Braveheart. Passion breed followers, I think that is Stapp. I think the very best thing to do for your children is to stand up to your own fears, and be sincere with them. And strict also, while they are young, to hold them to a high standard. I was always very sincere with my kids, but also very fearful, and slack in the discipline, because I am so undisciplined in my personal life, it is hard for me. My husband also was a poor disciplinarian, and we had three sons, that oldest one so "strongwilled" and bent toward insanity also, it was hard. My husband fell under the sway of "keep your kids on your team" mentality and was afraid to be firm with them.

To give God the "benefit of the doubt", to trust that He knows what He is doing, and that HE IS GOD, i.e. "in control" of this seemingly chaotic world, and to go about your business in quietness and confidence and friendly understanding toward your fellow men, that is what I believe is wholesome "religion" at this point. You CANNOT be "sure", the "just" walk by "faith". But when you feel troubled, KEEP TELLING HIM, and then WAIT PATIENTLY, inside your own head it is just you and God, and only He can give you the "reassurance" that really satisfies, "blessed art thou Simon Barjonah for FLESH AND BLOOD HATH NOT REVEALED THIS UNTO THEE..." But there is plenty of fearful flesh and blood running around eager to add others to their coterie, they are afraid themselves and deal with their own fears by bullying others.

God "gets our back", it's called Grace. For by Grace are ye saved through Faith. And we "get HIS back" when we BELIEVE HIM, give Him the benefit of the doubt. And we are tested PLENTY, tempted to think He is LOUSY, but He Never Faileth, although we "must needs die" and we need humiliation also, I don't understand why, but apparently it is good for us, Christ Himself had plenty. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God (and that is all of us!) commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator, I Pet 4:19.

For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully...for even hereunto were ye called. I Pet 2:19, 21. Kind of amazing thinking of the Creator saying "thank you" to a human being, but that's how it sounds to me, our "spiritual self" is actually His Friend, or "team mate." We are telling a STORY of Him, Eph 3:9-11.

Sorry for the sermon, I just can't help myself. If the Bible doesn't frighten you, teach it to your children, just memorize some of the passages or verses that mean most to you, and go through all the "stories". And hold back the "spin doctoring", let God handle it. But never teach that God HATES men and is UNABLE to "straighten them out", because it ISN'T TRUE. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill made low, Is 40:4 and also Handel's Messiah.

FEAR NOT, for behold, I bring unto you GOOD TIDINGS of GREAT JOY, which shall be to ALL PEOPLE. For unto you is born this day (whatever day you finally get a grip on it) in the city of David a Saviour which is CHRIST THE LORD. For this cause Christ both died and rose again from the dead, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. Luke 2:10, Rom 14:9.

For me, the Bible is filled with Allegorical Symbolism. Jesus is "born in Bethlehem", that is the same place where Rachel DIED giving birth to Benjamin, Joseph's little brother. Joseph was a major "type of Christ", betrayed by men, "thrown into the pit" and "prison" and "resurrected" and ELEVATED to being Ruler and Savior of "the world". I think the Spiritual Self is the "little brother" of Christ, and "Rachel" is our "born of flesh" self that DIES giving birth to our mature spiritual self, I don't think it's really finished until we actually die, but we are gradually changed as we endure this life.

Again, I apologize for the "sermon", I thought it might help. If it troubles you, ignore it. I ignore a LOT of things these days, "let not your heart be troubled." Ye believe in God (the Judge), believe also in Me, the SAVIOUR.
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