Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:00 AM   #2984
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread

"The Earth speaks...."

"The earth dies right along with her children, and she also thrives when her children thrive. Through the isles of desolation or through rich, plush acres of beauty she reflects their wellbeing."

When a mother loses her child, be it through death, adoption or from her own bad choices. A part of her dies inside, and tho on the outside she may appear happy and content. Every night she cries and wishes she could take it back, that she could somehow change the outcome. She will do anything to numb herself of the pain but it is short lived and when she wakes up....her life is just as it was before. She walks everyday incomplete with an emptiness in her soul that can only be filled by that child. When commercials come on takes her there. When she sees families on the street.. it takes her there. When she hears a certain takes her there. On Birthdays and Mother's Day...She cries for their union. It is a burden that is heavy and never ever goes away and the only thing that makes it better is being with that child... whether in physical form or in spirit. There is a sadness in her heart that runs so deep that had she not felt the responsibility to live for others...she would take her own life.

In learning the hard lessons that are given to us as we walk this path, we have the capacity to grow and heal completely. I think sometimes in order to break a cycle, really bad things must happen to break us inside... to wake us up to something greater than ourselves. When we are truly broken and we reach rock bottom, we somehow begin to thrive in a way that is different than before. We carry the scars that reflect what we have overcome. We must use those hard lessons TO LOVE MORE. Had that not happened in our life we would not have the capacity to love and appreciate those who come later on. We also hold a new vision and a greater wisdom to help others who are carrying the same spiritual imprint.

I found this Thank You...I wasn't looking for it...I was led to it.

Anyway It's beautiful and from a mother who lost her son...

Michelle on April 20, 2012 at 1:40 pm

My husband & I are big fans of Creed. We’ve seen them about four/five times, now, but we missed the Tower shows.
I have a deep personal connection with the band, due to the song “Arms Wide Open”. I loved the song, & I had heard Scott Stapp talk about how he wrote it for his first son. When my husband & I got pregnant, after going through infertility treatment, we decided we’d play that song in the delivery room, if we had a son. The song just seemed perfect. Well, to our horror, the night before we were to deliver our son, we found he was Stillborn. So, needless to say, we never did play the song. But, I think our son knows that song was meant for him, because on more than one occasion, when I have gone to the cemetary, that song has come on the radio. One time, I just sat in my car & cried, at the cemetary. If that is not a sign, I don’t know what is. To this day, I still love the song, but when I hear it, I do cry. Scott Stapp will never know how much he & the band have given me, through that song."


Beautiful Things Ahead! Miracles happen everyday!

Wonder what today will UNFOLD?

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe
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