Thread: Daily Bread
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Old 04-23-2012, 05:28 AM   #2982
Status: Blue Collar
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Re: Daily Bread


Yesterday as we were doing the evening walk...My daughter decided she wants to be brilliant, beautiful and 5'8"..she is 12 so she has a lot of time for growing.

She once asked me, If God gave you one wish what would you ask for?...I said, "What would you ask for?" She said, "well Solomon asked for Wisdom and God gave him Wisdom and all the rest followed. I would ask for Wisdom."

In that very moment...I believe she was instilled with that Gift.

"For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

We were watching an interview with Lady Gaga yesterday. Oprah asked her, How she deals with the fame...and she responded with, "It's always been there. I have always seen myself like this." Even as a child she saw herself famous. She performed at the top of stairs in her home even without an audience. She pretended to be Whitney Houston. Interesting woman...

"Only the reproductive creative spirit of life knows what you think until your thoughts become physical facts and manifest themselves in your body, your brain or your affairs. Then everyone with whom you come into contact may know, because the Father, the intelligent creative energy which heareth in secret, hears your most secret thoughts, rewards you openly, reproduces your thoughts in physical form. “As you think you know that is what you become” should be kept in the background of your mind constantly. This is watching and praying without ceasing, and when you are not feeling quite up to par to physically pray." Behrend, Genevieve

And those who pray only to be seen of men shall have their reward, and their only to be seen of men.

The Thought Form of the Thing is already Yours as soon as you think it. Your steady recognition of this Thought Possession causes the thought to concentrate, to condense, to project itself and to assume physical form.

“Ask, BELIEVING YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED and you shall receive” Jesus

I have found many times in the past that I think I want something and then when I get it, it has alot of things that come along with it, that I wasn't prepared for. Its not always paradise once an idea comes to pass. The beauty in that is that I can change it if I don't like it.

Beautiful DAY!
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." ~Edgar Allan Poe

Last edited by Sasa : 04-23-2012 at 05:51 AM.
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