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Old 09-26-2006, 03:30 AM   #8
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Re: Kissing Hank's Butt: a(-)religous story

Quote: (Originally Posted by bilal) My LORD in which i believe more than i do in my own existance

On the one hand this is, excuse me for pointing it out, a very stupid remark, on the other hand it's probably true, because you know you exist, you do not have to believe it. This is the difference between knowledge and belief.

Quote: (Originally Posted by bilal) but you see Ralphy, the reason i got pissed off was becuase believers, in this topic ,are portrayed as cowards, those who dont have gutts, strength, willingness to challange what their religion puts in theri heads. And i know i am not one of them

I am sorry, that I pissed you off, that was not my intention and I do have respect for those who at least studied and researched the basis of their local religion and maybe there are more of them as I assume, but I bet you that they are outnumbered by those who dare not challenge the roots of the belief system they've grown up in. Do you know what perhaps is the biggest difference between religious people and those who have rejected religion? Religious people were for the most part brought up in their religion, while most atheists, not all, were brought up in some religion, but later through either study or other logical reasoning came to the conclusion that it is not for them. And I ask you, Bilal, have you ever REALLY considered the option that we are presenting, I suspect not since you find it more likely that you don't exist, than that your lord doesn't exist! I actually never would use a word like coward for believers, but you are right that it does take a certain amount of courage to research the actual foundation on which you have based your life and than I mean not to chisel at it a bit, but turn it upside down.

Quote: (Originally Posted by bilal) do u think its only those who dont believe in any religion are the ones who can actually see the faults and cracks in the religion and think that those who are following a path are following it blindly?...... thats the mistake i wanted to higlight in this thread........ its easy to make fun of things but Mr.Ralply, but just as this thread assumes , its equally difficult for a non-beliver to assess his own postion and look from the shoes of a bliever......... half knowledge is as dangerous as having no knowledge at all........

I do believe that many follow their religion's path blindly, I see the examples on tv everyday, do you really feel that in your country most believers have studied and researched, maybe even doubted the religion in which they grew up. Do they even have the opportunity to do so?

Perhaps half knowledge is dangerous, but as long as you make your decisions based on the half that you do know and not on the half that you are guessing about, I do think it is a better position, than assuming that there is someone who does know it all and let him make the decisions for you.

Look for the other half, search for it, do not assume you know what it is. As non-believers we do have to come to grips with the fact that we do not know everything and we keep on looking for that part through science. Believers on the other hand assume that the part that they don't know is God's work, but as we find out more and more of that part, the role of God diminishes more and more, because the questions become smaller and smaller.
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