Thread: self pleasure
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Old 04-05-2006, 11:24 PM   #29
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Re: self pleasure

Ok... I have ALOT to say on theis subject so bare with me...

1st off, in the past month or so this has been something i've been studying and have been dealing with in my life. I've been reading this book called "Every Young Man, God's Man" This book has 100% opened my eyes and I really have learned alot from it.

I have to say that This has to do with more than just Masturbation but also with porn, how you view the opposite sex, and how that view affects you and your future wife and/or Husband.

I've Come to the conclusion that Sexual fantasy of the opposite is Wrong. You can't masturbate w/o an object to fuel that sexual fire. When you are doing that... you're viewing the opposite sex as an object for your pleasure. Someone that most likely isn't or will never be your Wife and/or husband.
That is 1st and foremost adultry. It doesn't matter if you don't even know who your wife/husband is yet... you're still sinning against them. It's hard to swallow... but it just opens your eyes on how imperfect we are...

If you are looking a pornographic Material when you are masturbating... that affects your view of what's attractive. Porn is dangerous because 98% of women DON'T LOOK LIKE PORNSTARS. What's going to happen when you can't get your dick up because you're wife isn't as beautiful as the girls you whack off to? How is your spouse going to feel? how are YOU Going to feel? We as a society have this view that you're only beautiful if you're as skinny as a stick and if you have huge boobs... or (if you're a guy) if you're Ripped. Porn and sexual fantasy supports this view.

What if you pass up the girl or guy that is mentally and spiritually perfect for you because they don't fit as to what's been beaten into your brain as sexually attractive? I for one don't want to pass that girl up!

This has been something that's been on my heart for quite sometime... The truth is... that in the past few weeks I've tried very hard to quite masturbating. I used to be addicted to Porn and Masturbation and would do it everyday... something most people would say is normal for an 18-year old. But WE cannot hold ourselves (especially as Christians) to the standards of this world. Col 2:8 says "See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."
I was amazed on how hard it was to try and stop until i tried. I didn't know i was addicted until i tried to stop. And I'm still addicted. I've been able to cut my masturbation down to maybe once a week/week and a half.
I'm doing this for my future wife... I don't know who she is... but I love her enough anyways to stop this... because it's harming how I View her and all my other Sisters In Christ...
Which is exactly what all women are. Sisters in Christ. Is this how we as men View our Sisters? As Sexual objects for pleasure? for the women out there... Is that how you view your brothers?

I am convinced that Maturbation is wrong and that is adultry against future spouses and also producing harmful thoughts against the Opposite Sex.
"See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8
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