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Old 03-27-2006, 07:07 PM   #27
Lunar Shadow
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Re: Atheism growing in America

Quote: (Originally Posted by SecretWeapon) Yeah, it seems that way at first, but as you ask an atheist more and more
questions, atheism gets more and more complicated and confusing. It is
very very difficult to come up with a believe system not based on any
higher being. Several concepts are "borrowed" from other faiths, ie the golden rule, etc. Atheism accepts no notion that possibley the fact that
all previous beliefs of earlier civilizations/nations/creeds/religions were even
remotely true. To quote Michael Crichton-

"Instead, each generation writes off earlier errors as the result of bad
thinking by less able minds- and then confidently embarks on fresh errors of its own"

the one thing that you and UD are missing is that there is a natural moral order in the world and beyond weather you wanna call it the golden rule (wich btw christ was not the first to state in john 12) or you want to call it sevivalist tactics there is a moral order hell it is evident in pack animals as well.... Atheism isn't a religion it is a philisophy stand point. how can something be a religion when there is nothing being worshiped?

Atheism isn't easy as UD would have you believe it isn't a selfish choice it is an intellectual choice based on observable facts and hard data. is it 100% sound? no but neither is any other stand point weather it be theism, polytheism, pantheism, or what have you.
Lunar Shadow
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