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Old 03-08-2006, 08:14 AM   #44
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Re: Scott Stapp - Behind the Douchebag

Quote: (Originally Posted by Torn Daredevil) No, I'm not, because I'm not a figure in the media preaching total crap to millions of fans. And it is part of the reason I did this. It's really sad that Stapp is representing Christianity to the masses, and making it look so awful in the process. I don't pretend to be something I'm not, unlike Mr. Stapp.

If I may step in and say something(I'm short on time, so I can't address everything you've said). You're a Christian, right? So why are you judging Stapp and saying that he is "pretending to be something that he is not"? How do YOU know what his relationship with God is like? You don't. Further, as a Christian, if you judge others, you are sinning.

Regarding alcoholism, it IS a disease and the top doctors all agree on this. Yes, Stapp is the one who picked up the bottle in the first place and began to drink it. But he, like those who pick up cigarettes and smoke them, got addicted to it. And addiction is a hard thing to beat. Ask any smoker who has tried to quit smoking, any alcoholic who has tried to stop drinking. They'll all tell you how hard it is for them to quit, that the odds are stacked against them.

It's apparent that Stapp has at least TRIED to quit drinking(the repeated stints in rehab show this) and has, unfortunately, failed. But he, like many other alcholics who want to quit, keeps trying to give it up, not because of the ex-fans who criticize his every move, but because of his son, his wife and his family. That still doesn't mean he's going to be able to completely quit this, but he's at least going to make an effort.

And I guess you haven't heard about any of Stapp's latest concerts, or read his recent interviews. He HAS taken full responsibility for his actions. He isn't blaming it on his ex-bandmates, the ex-manager or anyone else. Not to mention how gracious he has been to the fans. It truly looks like he has changed since the Creed days, even changed since the recent arrests.

Call me crazy, but as a fan, I prefer to have a positive outlook. I don't agree with everything Stapp does, but it isn't my place to pass judgment on every little thing that happens in his life. Because, at the end of the day, I'm a Christian myself and, just like him, I'm going to make mistakes.

If you want to continue to criticize him for doing something you surely do(make mistakes), go right ahead. That's your choice. But as for me, I'm not going to criticize his every move, because it just isn't my place.
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