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Old 03-07-2006, 09:30 PM   #58
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Re: Scott calls The Bone in dallas

Quote: (Originally Posted by titan9) You know what I find hilarious? That so many "Christians" are judging Stapp as not being a true Christian himself....questioning his spirituality and his judgment. Excuse me, but don't we believe as Christians that we should not judge one another? That it is GOD'S place to judge? And yet I see so many "Christians" being judgmental toward Stapp.

Let's get this straight. This sex tape happened SIX years ago. SIX YEARS AGO! Stapp has acknowledged HIMSELF that he was not living the "right way" during his Creed days. He never denied that he did some "bad" things during his Creed days. And yet SOME people are using something that happened SIX years ago to judge who he is today, to say whether or not he is a "true" Christian today. Let me ask you something: how many of you have done something in the past that you are not proud of? Be honest, I am sure you have just as I have. I've done things in the past few years that I am not all that proud of. And I AM a Christian despite this. I make mistakes every single day, I'm not perfect, and I still am a Christian because, at the end of the day, I know what I believe and who I worship.

Stapp makes mistakes all the time, just like the rest of us. He has a problem with alcohol that he is still battling. Lots of people have this same problem and still call themselves Christians. The difference? They aren't under the public scruitiny that Stapp is. He calls himself a Christian, then gets arrested? Suddenly people everywhere are saying "oh, he's no Christian...he's just a hypocrite". But you know what? WE'RE ALL HYPOCRITES! We're all hypocrites if we say we're Christians yet we continue to do something that God doesn't want us to do: judge others. We're all hypocrites if we criticize Stapp for doing something that we all do: make a mistake. We're all hypocrites if we say that Stapp isn't living the "Christian way" because, you know what? If we judge others and do nothing but criticize those who fall down, WE AREN'T LIVING THE CHRISTIAN WAY OURSELVES!

Now, I did not mean to go off on this rant about Christianity, but seeing what I've seen on here over the past six months has just, well, pissed me off. I'm sick of seeing so much hypocrisy when it comes to discussing Stapp. I feel a little sympathetic for him. Not because I think what he is doing is right, not because I think he's a great guy(I'm strictly a fan of his music, but I will make posts like this when I feel like something has to be said), but because, as a fellow Christian, I feel for him. I know if I were famous like he is, man, I'd have a rough time living up to everyone else's expectations of who I should be and how I should represent my faith, my spirituality. And to be so criticized when I make a mistake and to have everything I do in the public eye....that'd just be really tough.

So in conclusion, I'd like to invite every Christian here to do something: before you post a message saying how un-Christian-like Stapp is acting right now, I'd like you to take a deep breath, remember that God doesn't want us to judge one another, and think about your own life as a Christian. Are you perfect? Are you living like God wants you to? Do you make mistakes in your everyday life? Then, think of Stapp. Think of the pressure he's under, think of the fact that he, like everyone else, is a human being.....who happens to be a Christian. And maybe, just maybe, you'll reconsider posting a message that does nothing but criticize Stapp's spirituality and life as a Christian. As for me, I've made up my mind: I'm going to critique the music, but not the man himself. Because it's not my place to judge.

Titan,...once again you bring sense and straight-fowardness to this forum in your every comment,.....agree with you 100%!
So let me change the timber of the section
Add a little booze to ice
I guess you probably noticed
I've been living a double life
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