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Old 12-28-2005, 03:53 PM   #71
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Re: Who Would You Like to See Run in 2008?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Ana4Stapp) Chase, your post is so big that Ill go for parts, right?

Do you really think that Saddam had chemical weapons? So where were they? Do you think Bush foreign policy is going to stop terrorists in Palestine? Its just the opposite. In Bush era a lot of people hates US, and you have a remote idea why ? Its because WAR!!!!! You cant stop violence using WAR!
And yeah, Allies had to do something to stop Hitler because this guy started invadind Poland...He was a real threat. Nazism was an horrible thing that couldnt continue. So war was the only solution.

You said sometimes some guys sont respond to UN resolutions...neither US. or you forgot that Bush ordered the invasion against UN...

Im not condemning Bush for putting Saddam out of power... Im condemning Bush for using war...This is my point.

A lot of goods come from Iraqs war? What, Chase??? Please let me know, Im extremely curious. Maybe i can change my distorted anti- american

Seriously, im not anti-American! Im not anti- US! I'm anti- Bush!

Well I dont know the methods..I dont work for CIA ...and of course I hate the terorism methods--they are cowards!

And Im not saying that leaders must to close their eyes to Osama actions , of course not, but answer me this: what was the result of invading the miserable Afeghanistan? See? this is waht Im saying...a lot of wars and no one result.

Oh..wait... Im wrong...theres one evident result here: the anti-American feeling is increasing...all over the world...

Imagine of The United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain stopped Hitler before 1939. They would've prevented the Holocaust because they took pre-emptive measures. The United States wasn't involved in any war when Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States in 1998. There was no War in Iraq. Instead of finding excuses for why Osama wants to kill Americans and Europeans... realize that the man is anti-semitic, anti-Christian, anti-democracy, anti-capitalist, and anti-all-things-West.

Terrorism in Palestine has declined since Yasser Arafat died.

So Nazism was bad enough to warrant war, but terrorism isn't. Explain that logic to me. Islamic terrorists want to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth... as well as every other non-Muslim. What's the difference?

There was no U.N. Resolution that sanctioned the United States' weapons program. Three U.N. members were outspoken against the decision to invade Iraq because they had oil ties to Saddam Hussein and had diplomats who were involved in the "Oil for Food Scandal." Nice try.

I've explained what good has come from the war in Iraq, but you keep... conveniently, not reading it. Lybia has abandoned it's weapons program. Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Ukraine, and Georgia have fought to have democratically held elections. Lebanon fought to force Syria out of their country and demanded the right to freedom. The Ukrainians fought to keep Russia from fixing their elections... and were successful in doing so. Kurds and Shia are now actually being represented in Iraq. Before, it was only the minority Sunnis with rights and power. The victims of Saddam's war crimes... were the Kurds and Shia. Women, in both Afghanistan and Iraq, are now allowed to vote... allowed to get an education... and are allowed to express themselves without being shot. Schools are improving for kids... and both girls and boys will be given an equal opportunity to learn. You won't be executed for speaking out against the government... or torture... women and girls are no longer being raped by Saddam's military. Saddam is no longer living in multiple lavish palaces while his people live in poverty. Post-World War II Germany and Europe weren't fixed over night. Why should Iraq be any different? Die hard Nazis held insurgent-like attacks in Germany... why should Iraq be any different?
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