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Old 12-27-2005, 08:32 PM   #61
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Re: Who Would You Like to See Run in 2008?

Quote: (Originally Posted by Ana4Stapp) Ryan...your said everything!

Why Iraq of all countries? I've already explained why a democratic Iraq is important. It's all strategic to the War on Terror. Look at Iraq's locale. It borders Syria and Iran... two dangerous states that both sponsor terrorism. The majority of Iran's youth is pro-democracy and would probably start a revolution if they had the protection and resources. An invasion of Iran would've been way bloodier than an invasion of Iraq. An invasion of Iraq was even more jusitifiable than an invasion of Syria... because of Saddam Hussein's human rights violations, sponsor of Palestinian terrorists, inability to abide by 16 U.N. weapons resolutions, and role in the Oil for Food scandal. Since the first democratically held elections in Iraq, nations like Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Ukraine, and Georgia have held successful elections... and some of these nations have cited the events in Iraq to be major influences on their countries. Nations like Libya have abandoned their weapons programs because Muammar al-Qaddafi saw what happend to Saddam Hussein. The Iraqis are currently trying Saddam Hussein for mass murder... and the first charge is relatively minor compared to his other offenses. Now it's your turn to explain to me why the Middle East and the rest of the world would benefit from Saddam Hussein regime... and moreover... his sons, Uday and Qusay. I mean... the man would likely continue to fund attacks against Israel, and use hostility against his neighbors.

Put the Iraq war into context with the bigger picture of terrorism. Middle Eastern terrorism is the biggest threat to America. Nations that are in our "own backyard" were mentioned... and I presume he was referring to Venezuela and Cuba. This isn't the Cold War and Cuba couldn't afford a war with the United States. Venezuela is probably the only legitimate threat... but why put military resources in a region that is collectively not producing harmful hostilities against the United States. South America is a major producer of illegal drugs that have been smuggled into the United States for years... but the "War on Drugs" has been overshadowed by the evermore important War on Terror.

Neo-conservatism is a term that's branded on politicians that are politically, economically, and socially conservative. Bush obviously isn't conservative with the economy... nor is he completely social conservative. He hasn't done anything to deter illegal immigration into the United States... and trust me, I have seen the first hand effects of illegal immigration. I live on the border and have for my whole life. Things have changed in the past 10 years because our government isn't able to put a halt to illegal immmigration. A liberal border policy should be pushed "to the bottom of the pile" right now. Porous borders present potential threats to the United States due to terrorism and drugs. Why, especially living in a post-9/11 world would it benefit the United States to have a Canadian-esque border policy? Not being a traditional conservative doesn't automatically equate to neo-conservatism. If anything he's less conservative than men like Ronald Reagan. I never said that prominent democrats can't have neo-conservative beliefs... and truth be told, being pro-life isn't a representation of neo-conservatism. It's conservative... sure... but neo-conservative it is not.

And yes... I have been watching Fox lately. I'm a huge Family Guy fan. But that's beside the point. Neo-conservatives support the War in Iraq... obviously... as do democrats like Joseph Lieberman. But one neo-conservative policy doesn't make one entirely a neo-conservative. The Bush Doctrine is soley applied to foreign policy... nothing more. If the man isn't conservative with the economy, Christian federal holidays, or border policies... how is he this neo-conservative boogy man? He was absent when the controversy surrounding the 10 Commandments in court houses occurred. The majority of this nation has Judeo-Chistian undercurrents when it comes to their political ideologies. It's not a fluke that gay marriage is only legal in one state... and is overwhelmingly voted against in most of the states that gay marriage is proposed. Most Democrats and most Republicans are for Civil-Unions over gay marriage and that is most likely due to Christian undercurrents. You claim this war is for oil... show me the proof. Following the First Gulf War the United States controlled all of Kuwait's oil reserves. Who controls them now? The Kuwaitis. It sure as hell isn't the United States and if we did, we wouldn't be paying so much for barrels of oil. Prominents Senators are encouraging more drilling in our OWN nation... in places like the ANWAR region of Alaska. Why fight a war for oil when we can drill in the United States? Why fight a war for oil, when terrorism is the primary problem to this nation?

Last edited by Chase : 12-27-2005 at 09:11 PM.
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