Thread: still waiting
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Old 06-11-2005, 09:23 PM   #18
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Quote: (Originally Posted by titan9) I agree with most of what you said. I actually LIKED that Alter Bridge had a few ballads on their CD, as I felt that it gave ODR some variety. I know, you probably disagree with me there, lol. But I honestly doubt I'd like that CD as much as I do(it is one of my absolute favorite CDS) if all it had was hard songs. I like a bit of a break between hard songs, because it gets old if every song is hard, at least for me it does. If Stapp goes with the same formula as AB did(with the hard songs and the ballads), I think his CD will be pretty good. I just hope that not all songs are ballads and that he doesn't "sell-out" by just making a CD that sells a bunch of copies.

Well, I did not like the soft songs on AB, but not BECAUSE they were soft. It is because--and Mark even eluded to this in an interview once--Mark either plays awesome riffs or silly chord progressions. He knows nowhere in between. If he could have written ILM as well as he wrote Metalingus, it would have been awesome/ But it is just a simple chord progression in a tuning which is VERY songwriting-pliable. But yeah, I think the perfect album needs some less heavy songs.

Right now I am really into Audioslave's Out of Exile and I think they do the softer songs the right way. They play with usually the same amount of creativity, uniqueness, etc. whether the song is heavy or not. Tremo is jsut better at writing heavy songs. No shame in that.
Titans baby, Titans.
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