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Old 04-20-2005, 01:00 AM   #80
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Quote: (Originally Posted by Ann Allusion) Amber, you asked for a reply...

Explaining my self is something i should not have to do, but this time i will, and i expect that such requests from you or anyone else that has a problem with any of the comments i have made recently and/or over the years will cease.

If you choose to take any of my following statements as condesending, then i will be wasting my time, as well as yours, and i will have to wonder why you asked in the first place. Otherwise, if you and anyone else that reads this choose to look at it without predjudice, you just might learn a thing or two...

Something i have learned about BB's is that, like the society we live in, they harbor diverse personalities...not everyone is going to agree with everybody else...and most will have differing opinions...and what's the saying about opinions? I'm sure that you know it.

Well to keep my feelings about opinions short...that is how we express what we choose to think...i can respect some opinions..and others i find humourus...or "laughable" to use your words...but over all, that doesn't mean that the person with that opinion is being just means that i don't agree with their thoughts on the matter.

Am i attempting to change their mind? No. Do i want to change their mind? No. Because you see, opinions are unique to the person that has them. The only ones that can change their opinions are themselves...and it's not my place to do so, nor is it anyone elses place to judge my opinions, or assume i am attempting to change their opinions.

So...with that thought in mind, why is it so difficult to accept the fact that my opinions may differ from those of the majority and like you, or anyone else, i have every right to post what i believe.

Give me an HONEST answer why only SOME are allowed to say what they choose and others are not....that seems to be an ongoing theme around certain BB's...

As for AB, live and let live....I don't like their music, i gave them several listens from the beginning, even have their songs on CD, and they are just not what i'm into, either vocally or lyrically. I've never deneyed the talent that is AB. After all, the experience they gained from Creed is what got them to where they are now, as well as most of the fan's they have. I made the choice several months ago to say i wish them well in their endeavours both musically and personally where ever life takes them.

Now, if you or anyone assumes this post to be condesending...well then...a suggestion....get a backbone and grow up...because NOBODY can make anyone doubt themselves unless they already feel confused reguarding their beliefs and opinions in the first place.
it is absolutely amazing the amount of skill you have at ignoring me or twisting what i say.
i respect peoples opinions who are different from mine. so i dont know what thats all about.
lets take Ana4Stapp for example (no specific reason, other than i think she wont mind me using her for an example, lets just) i do not agree with her stance on Stapp. it is different than mine. however, when she says that she is a Stapp fan, i respect that. i do not laugh at her, i do not mock her for being so. you, however, are one of the few who i have never seen be in disagreeance with someone in either a mature/uncondescending "its-your-loss" way. there are many views on many things, and very few truths. who says theres only one right opinion? who says there even is a right opinion?
direct question ann, DIRECT:
why is it ok for you to disect other peoples opinions, and for us to even comment on yours, it becomes a malicious attack?
and how is it not condescending for you to, oh, i dont know, for example, call Dan "D", and then, when asked to stop, merely continue?
how is that not disrespectful of a member of this board?
Everyone who isnt so pretenious to assume that there isnt a possibility that they could be wrong doubts themselves.
most people dont run around assuming theyre right about everything.

lets make a deal. i wont bother you anymore if you dont make any more patronizing posts based on difference of opinion concerning AB/Stapp. im sure many others would agree to this as well.

(marcos and ryan, yall crack me up)


"A person should not believe in an "-ism," he should believe in himself."
-Ferris Bueller
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