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Old 04-19-2005, 02:56 PM   #69
Ann Allusion
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Quote: I definitely support Scott as a musician, there's no denying that. But I can't really judge him; can't really support him, as a person. Only because I don't know him personally. I've heard good and bad about him as a person, but I prefer not to judge, I prefer not to say he's a jerk as a person or he's an angel as a person. I'd rather just focus on the music, talk about that, and leave it at that.

and that is your is what you have chosen to do...and no one should hold it as a fault against the same token...there are many of us that have chosen to support both the music and the man.

Might help if we look at it this way...

There's this guy playing music on the street corner and you pass by on your way to work every morning...drop a few coins into the guitar case..sometimes even stop to listen if you're not running really like his music and how he communicates his songs/lyrics...they say something to you...yet, you do not know this guy, you've only said hello in passing or maybe not have even spoken at all... All you know of him is he speaks to you thru his music...and since the music/lyrics are part of feel you can relate.

One day while you are listening to him a local gang begins verbally harrassing him...and the verbal harrassment escalates until it becomes down right ridiculous and degrading...

again, you know nothing about this person on a one to one basis yet, would you not step forward and say something reguarding the attitude of this group that is harrassing him?...he may be ignoring the taunts and harrassment, yet, isn't it quite possible that he is feeling the sting of each of those words being thrown at him?

This gang, btw, doesn't know this street corner musician on a personal level either...seems one of them asked him to play a song and he said later...and that just set 'em off...for some people that's all it takes...not getting what they want when they want it.

We are our brother's keeper, whether we know them on a one to one basis or is about compassion and love...not only for them...but for ourselves as well...turn your back on one human being, when you could have shown support....what will happen when it's your turn? It's all connected.

the above, though a story, was meant to give an example of supporting another person, even if you don't know them on a personal level....and it doesn't matter WHO that person is a common courtsey that we would show to one another, i would hope, because we are all on this Earth Ship together.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again, for now I find
The phantom of the opera is there...inside my mind

Christine/ Phantom Of The Opera

Abondon thought and let the dream decend....
Point of No Return/Phantom Of The Opera

You will forever remain the music
And I…the song you sing
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