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Old 01-15-2004, 07:34 PM   #24
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Quote: (Originally Posted by PaulMcCoygirl) Let me just say that if you keep insultling him, then you are just dropping yourself down to his level. It's not making anything better if you keep doing that. Listen, like Collin said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, unfortunately you're going to get opinions like his. Just blow the whole thing off. I know it's easy for me to say because you want to defend Stapp and that's fine, but it's better to drop the whole ordeal and get on with your life. Besides, I'm sure you have much better things to do.
The first and second e-mails I sent was definantly down to his level, or lower. It was pretty bad because, like I said, I have a temper, and didn't controll myself. But later, I tried to get down and just point out facts about things he may have gone a little overboard on. He did agree with me on some of the things I said, and many other things, of course, the creep didn't. I was a little rude about some of the remarks he made, but otherwise, I just tried to convince him that he DID go overboard on some of the things he said about the album. One fact I pointed out, replying to a remark he made about 'thousands of people with different tastes and styles in music read the reviews', was that he could have really ruined something that some of those thousand people may have really loved. I'm not saying that I'm right, because I will admit, it wasn't right for me to critisize him for the rather stupid opinions he made. Everyone has the right to speak out their opinions. I spoke mine. But, I can't change what I've already done. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not griping at you or anything, I'm just trying to put my point across.
"...My beaten heart is in your hands, What I really need is shelter, And a chance to relearn love, Teach me all over, All over to relearn love, Show me again, So I can relearn love, The comfort of your arms around me, Your tender hands caress my head, I lay beside you, I'm not worthy..."
Relearn Love~Scott Stapp
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