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musicmind226 01-10-2004 06:21 PM

The right man at the right place
The right man at the right place(NCR)

I know alot here differ on political stances, but I feel the need to really pass this along. It's really gripping and I hope many read it.
Walter reed medical Center

At Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC recently, the sergent major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people vititing the wounded soldiers. He saw a speacial forces solder who had most his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body. The sergant major wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending him, but what can you do or say in such a situation that will encourage and up lift? How do you shake the right hand of a soldier who does not have one? He decided to act as though the hand was not missing and gripped the solder's wrist while speaking words of comfort and encourgement to him.

But there another man in that group of visitors who had brought his wife with him to visit the wounded who knew exactly what to do. This man reverntly took the solders stump of a hand in both of his hands, bowed at the bedside and prayed for him. When he finished the prayer he stood up, bent over the soldier and kissed on the head and told himhe loved him. What a powerfull expression of love and for one of our wounded heroes! And, what a beautiful Christ-like example.

What kind of a man would do such a thing? It was the man's commander in cheif, George W Bush, president of the united states.

The story was told the the sergant najor at a breakfast held at redstone arsenal, AL, and recored by chaplain james henderson stationd there.

Pass it along, the media won't.

Higher_Desire 01-10-2004 07:53 PM

That's really cool.

It's weird to me (maybe I shouldn't write this...) but I've been a supporter of Bush for quite a while. Mostly since 9-11, due to his quick decisive action and amazing speeches, and believe he did exactly what needed to be done. Is war always the answer? No, but sometimes it's necessary. If his daddy did more than give Saddam a slap on the wrist, we may not be in the mess we are today, but since the capture of Saddam, it seems that more people are supporting Bush. It makes me wonder that if we are able to catch Bin Laden... we'll he be re-elected to office?

H-D :hypno:

musicmind226 01-10-2004 09:34 PM

I'm a supporter of bush as well. No, war is not the only answer, but when you have an outside force of nutty islamic (hardly no religeion would manifest nor condone such actions of innocent human lives) millitants. 9/11 is one of THEE worst terror attacks to happen ever. But, look saddam had to go sooner or later. If people though he was not a threat there to niave.

If we already caught saddam, then I think bin laden is just around the corner. In fact there closing in on him in pakistan, but they have to wait for the moment. Re-eletion this year? If the economy keeps going the way it has in it's steady recovery and iraq stableizes then yes, absolutely.

Bridge of Clay 01-10-2004 09:39 PM


People should know how to separe the human being from his/her job title and job related actions.

JulieCitySlicker 01-10-2004 09:39 PM

I'm a Bush supporter as well ;) :cool:

marlsy 01-10-2004 10:06 PM

Thanks for passing that along! That was nice to read. I also am a known Bush Supporter and proud of it. :)

JenRN 01-10-2004 11:03 PM

Well it is well known around here that I am a Bush supporter as well, like his style like his MORALS!!!!!!! It is nice to see that they can post other things about him other than his "bad grammer" or goofy ways. I respect him, and respect the job he does. Hats off to you George! :clap:

RMadd 01-11-2004 02:06 AM

Anybody like my avatar? If you follow the advice, the economy will continue to improve and taxes will remain low.... and as was touched on by musicmind, the liberal media sucks! and

RMadd 01-11-2004 02:12 AM


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